Taxes reference from Sales taxes in Canada.
Note :
1. OpenCart won't calculate cumulative tax. I use the effective tax rate.
2. This article for OpenCart Tax setting SAMPLE only.
0. Backup website and database.
1. Create [Geo Zones]
Canada GST Zone --> Canada / Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Quebec, Saskatchewan, Yukon Territory
BC PST Zone --> Canada / British Columbia
MB PST Zone --> Canada / Manitoba
NB HST Zone --> Canada / New Brunswick
NL HST Zone --> Canada / Newfoundland and Labrador
NS HST Zone --> Canada / Nova Scotia
ON HST Zone --> Canada / Ontario
PEI HST Zone --> Canada / Prince Edward Island
QC QST Zone --> Canada / Quebec
SK PST Zone --> Canada / Saskatchewan
2. Create [Tax Rates]
GST (5%) --> Tax Rate: 5, Type: Percentage, Customer Group: check all, Geo Zone: Canada GST Zone
PST (7%) --> Tax Rate: 7, Type: Percentage, Customer Group: check all, Geo Zone: BC PST Zone
PST (7%) --> Tax Rate: 7, Type: Percentage, Customer Group: check all, Geo Zone: MB PST Zone
HST (13%) --> Tax Rate: 13, Type: Percentage, Customer Group: check all, Geo Zone: NB HST Zone
HST (13%) --> Tax Rate: 13, Type: Percentage, Customer Group: check all, Geo Zone: NL HST Zone
HST (15%) --> Tax Rate: 15, Type: Percentage, Customer Group: check all, Geo Zone: NS HST Zone
HST (13%) --> Tax Rate: 13, Type: Percentage, Customer Group: check all, Geo Zone: ON HST Zone
HST (14%) --> Tax Rate: 14, Type: Percentage, Customer Group: check all, Geo Zone: PEI HST Zone
QST (9.975%) --> Tax Rate: 9.975, Type: Percentage, Customer Group: check all, Geo Zone: QC QST Zone
PST (5%) --> Tax Rate: 5, Type: Percentage, Customer Group: check all, Geo Zone: SK PST Zone
3. Create [Tax Class]
Canadian Tax Class --> Add Tax Rates which according to your website location. Based On select [Shipping Address].
4. Select [Canadian Tax Class] on products' [Tax Class].
5. Make an order and check the [Total].