2013年12月3日 星期二

Use "Computer Management" to control Hyper-V Server

If you want to use "Computer Management" to control your Hyper-V Server:

You may received following warning message "Computer xxx cannot be managed. ...":

You need to enable couple Firewall rules:
1. Open "Windows PowerShell".

2. Enable Firewall rules.
    "Enable-NetFirewallRule -DisplayGroup "Remote Event Log Management"
    "Enable-NetFirewallRule -DisplayGroup "Windows Firewall Remote Management"
    "Enable-NetFirewallRule -DisplayGroup "Remote Volume Management"

3. If need to remote control Disk Management, need to enable host Firewall rules.

4. Enable Firewall rules.

5. Now you can see your Hyper-V Server's disks.

2013年11月19日 星期二

VMware Player & vmnetcfg.exe

VMware Player is a very useful tool for evaluating software products. However, if you want to create a LAN lab, you'll need vmnetcfg.exe which you can find in VMware Workstation.

First, please make sure VMware Player and VMware Workstation are the last versions.

1. Run "Command Prompt".
2. Change directory to your download folder.
3. Type "VMware-workstation-full-10.0.1-1379776.exe /e .\temp".
4. Change directory to \temp folder.
5. Type "expand core.cab -F:vmnetcfg.exe .".
6. Type "expand core.cab -F:_vmnetcfglib.dll .".
7. Change file name "_vmnetcfglib.dll" to "vmnetcfglib.dll".
8. Copy "vmnetcfg.exe" and "vmnetcfglib.dll" to VMware Player installed folder. (default: C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Player)
9. Run "vmnetcfg.exe".

2013年8月27日 星期二

How to setup CISCO QuickVPN?

RV042 10/100 4-Port VPN Router
Click [VPN] –> [VPN Client Access] from left sidebar.
1. Create Username and Password and click [Add to list].
2. Click [Generate] for generating a new Certificate.
3. Click [Export for Client] and save the file to the folder where QuickVPN installed. (Default: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Cisco Small Business\QuickVPN Client”)
4. Click [Save].

Install QuickVPN Client
1. Download “QuickVPN Client for all Small Business Routers“.
2. Unzip and install.

Run QuickVPN Client
Type “User Name” and “Password”. Type router’s IP address at “Server Address”. Click [Connect].

How to setup Windows 8 VPN?

Create VPN Connection
1. [Win]+[x] –> “Control Panel” –> ”Network and Internet”

2. Click “Network and Sharing Center”.

3. Click “Set up a new connection or network”.

4. Select “Connect to a workplace”.

5. Select “Use my Internet connection (VPN)".

6. Type your VPN Server Internet address and Destination name. Click [Create].

Use VPN Connection
1. [Win]+[i] –> Network

2. Click [Connect] and type your User name and Password.

2013年6月3日 星期一

OpenCart : Add Order Acceptance Policy when Checkout

1. Add a variable at catalog/language/english/checkout/checkout.php
$_['order_acceptance_policy'] = "<h3>Order Acceptance Policy</h3><p>This order acknowledgement is not a contract and does not constitute an acceptance of your order; but only a record of your offer to purchase a particular item at a particular price.</p>";

2. Find "$this->data['totals'] = $total_data;" in catalog/controller/checkout/confirm.php. Add one line:
$this->data['totals'] = $total_data;
$this->data['order_acceptance_policy'] = $this->language->get('order_acceptance_policy');

3. Find "<div class="payment"><?php echo $payment; ?></div>" in catalog/view/theme/your-theme/template/checkout/confirm.tpl. Add one line before:
<?php echo $order_acceptance_policy; ?>
<div class="payment"><?php echo $payment; ?></div>

2013年5月31日 星期五

Build OpenCart Theme

If you want to modify something about default theme, the best way is to copy one for yours then modify it.

Here is a tutorial of Build Opencart Theme.

One thing you need to modify by yourself:
Find "/catalog/view/theme/yourtheme/template/common/header.tpl"
On line 19:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="catalog/view/theme/yourtheme/stylesheet/stylesheet.css" />

Install vQmod on OpenCart

"vQmod™" (aka Virtual Quick Mod) is an override system designed to avoid having to change core files. The concept is quite simple... Instead of making changes to the core files directly, the changes are created as xml search/replace script files. These script files are parsed during page load as each "source" core file is loaded with the "include" or "require" php functions. The source is then patched with the script file changes, and saved to a temp file. That temp file is then substituted for the original during execution. The original source file is never altered. This results in a "virtual" change to the core during execution without any actual modification to the core files. (from vQmod)

0. Backup your website.

1. Install vQmod:
1.1 Download vQmod.
1.2 Follow instruction of Install_OpenCart.
ps. You may need to modify "vqmod/install/index.php" and "pathReplaces.php" files if you've changed your admin folder name.

2. Install VQMod Manager:
2.1 Download VQMod Manager.
2.2 Follow instruction of README.pdf.

Example for using:
1. New a xml file as vqmod_modifycopyright.xml .
2. Copy these codes to vqmod_modifycopyright.xml .
<id>Modify copyright</id>
<file name="catalog/controller/common/footer.php">
<search position="after"><![CDATA[$this->data['powered']]]></search>
<add><![CDATA[$this->data['powered'] = 'Your company &copy; ' . date('Y') . '<br />';]]></add>

3. Upload vqmod_modifycopyright.xml. [Extensions] --> [Modules] --> [VQMod Manager]

2013年5月23日 星期四

Netfirms PHP

Just opened an account at Netfirms and faced PHP Sessions problems. 
Before using PHP at Netfirms, check this first:
Using PHP http://www.netfirms.com/knowledgebase/beta/article.bml?ArticleID=1290#Nugget_1374

If having Server Error problem, delete php.ini.

2013年5月7日 星期二

PMP 之路

最早開始學 PMP 的時候是 2005 年版的,當時已經做過幾年專案,就報名去上個 PMP 班看看到底是怎麼回事,上課的老師八成沒什麼專案經驗,問問題問急了就說按照 PMBOK 就對了,上完課想想不過如此,也就沒有興趣再花個幾百塊美金去考試。後來 2008 年改版,因為工作的關係有稍微翻過一下,今年 (2013) 發覺又要改版了,才認真思考去考一下 PMP 吧,不然年紀越大唸書越累。
首先,碰到的問題是需要 35 Contact Hours,在國外隨便上個課都要好幾千,後來在網路上找到一家 Whizlabs (http://www.whizlabs.com/),選了最便宜的 PMP Exam Simulator (90 Days),後來還收到一張七折卷,做完 4 個模擬測驗,就可以拿到 35 Contact Hours,目前是所找到最便宜的方案。
35 Contact Hours 拿到之後,就要開始填工作經驗,說實話,之前還真的沒有好好想想這幾年到底做了什麼,填完之後,還是有點成就感的。不過,填的時數夠了之後,就不用繼續想下去,太累了。
這次準備時間大概花了兩週,先把 PMBOK 很快瀏覽一遍,大概先知道每個流程在做什麼,接著把 Whizlabs 模擬試題做完,大概可以知道題目是怎麼問的,不過千萬不要只看模擬試題,類似題目不到一成。最後,最重要的是把 Inputs, Outputs, Tools and Techniques 看懂讀熟,題目大概都圍著這些觀念打轉。
考試題目其實不難,題目一時看不懂的話先去看答案,從答案可以思考題目在問什麼。CPM, EVM 都有出,不過都是很簡單的計算,甚至還碰到一題像是國小應用數學的計算題。
一次考兩百題真的是滿累人的,看來 PMI 知道當 PM 體力也是很重要的事。